Catalyst difference

Because our treatment is not a
“one size fits all” model, we screen out boys with hardened histories of sexual perpetration, serious gang involvement, violence, and serious criminal activity.


At Catalyst, we specialize in the treatment of substance abuse and dual diagnosis–such as, depression, anxiety, ADD, as well as others. Each boy’s issues will fall somewhere on the substance abuse spectrum anywhere from casual use and experimentation, to addiction. He will receive state-of-the-art care from our elite team.

Clinical Intensity

Therapists’ caseloads are small which allows ample time to address the complex emotional, family, and social issues of each student. With the challenges of substance abuse combined with other mental health issues, a small caseload minimizes the risk that issues will go unaddressed. We offer our boys a minimum of 15 hours of clinician-directed therapy each week, including individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy, experiential therapy, and education groups. A team of treatment professionals determines the amount and intensity of therapy for each boy. Each week our boys receive a full review by the multi-disciplinary Treatment Team where progress is evaluated and interventions tailored. Because of our small enrollment and specialized treatment planning, boys will not slip through the cracks.

owner operated

Catalyst is owner operated, which contributes to the high-level of treatment and care for each boy and family. As owners, we are actively involved in therapy, clinical groups, recreational activities, and the students day-to-day program. Catalyst is a member of the National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs (NATSAP). The common mission of NATSAP members is to promote healthy growth, stimulate learning, inspire motivation, and develop personal well-being within all program participants.